4 UX promises
During the process of developing a well-accurate UX maturity assessment for your product or service, is necessary to consider below four stages starting with a useful solution and ending with a delightful one.
Each stage involves a different way of attraction for your end-users, and you will consider one by one as a step by step in your UX strategy.
First, let’s talk about what does mean useful in UX maturity assessment.
Usually, a solution is useful once it provides added value to the end-user such as content, features, or functions that meet common user needs. In short, the experience must be useful in all aspects.
At this first stage, you’re not interested in how the proposed solution looks, but yes how it works. I meant, functionality is the focus and in most cases, it doesn’t matter if the solution looks fine or not.
For example, an e-commerce website with the ability to check for a specific product currently is in stock or is not available yet. A simple and useful feature, but enough to satisfice the end-users needs and create an initial experience.
The next step in the UX strategy is usable and usually use this term once the solution provides functionality that is easy to use and intuitive, for basic functions do not require much active concentration to accomplish.
At this point, all of our efforts are focused on not just solve user’s needs, we need to make them solve in the easiest way possible, reducing processes steps or improving the current process.
Given the e-commerce example just used, this could mean that the process to purchase a product is simple and quick, three steps at maximum.
Solution not only provides features that are easy to use. But, it also does so in a way that engages the end-user, often through great visual design, content, and copy.
Here’s where our final users evaluate our UX maturity level according to how this one looks. Is not just enough how the solution works, at this point end-user wants to access a well-designed and beautiful solution as part of the experience.
Continue with the e-commerce example. The capability to purchase a product online should be compelling and enjoyable that users are likely to come back again sometime soon or even share the experience with others within their friends and family.
Good UX designs enable delightful experiences.
The final step in UX maturity level is a delightful experience.
At this point, end-users feel emotionally engaged with the solution. They feel like part of the process, empathize with the company objectives, and evangelize about the smooth and enjoyable experience they had with others (friends and family), end-users usually like to talk about how the experience is.
An end-user pretty well involved as part of the business objectives evolves into a key stakeholder. Just because end-users will be the best promotors in public spaces or social networks. Accordingly, identify and involve in the coming solution upgrade. That strategy will guarantee our success.